Author: Laurie Junkins

Laurie Junkins

How Easy Is it to Get a Medical Marijuana Card?

Currently 16 states, plus D.C., have passed legislation allowing people with legitimate medical need to buy and use marijuana, and more states will likely follow suit in the coming years. The question is, how easy is it to get a medical marijuana card?

Halloween in Islamic Countries

Americans are often curious about life in Islamic countries, especially regarding holiday celebrations. For Halloween, it turns out that Muslims not only do not celebrate it, but it’s against the laws of Islam to acknowledge it.

Halloween Costumes That Can Kill You

Halloween is all about the big fun with the dressing up, candy, and just the right amount of scariness. If you aren’t careful, though, all the fun can be sucked out by dangerous costumes. If you don’t know how to make or purchase a safe costume, you or your children could be at risk.

Custody of Morbidly Obese Children

According to a recent commentary by Harvard researchers, state authorities should step in so morbidly obese kids can lose weight while the parents learn how to feed them. Opponents claim obesity is not sifficient reason to break up a family. Who’s right?

Online Degrees: Worth It or Not?

It’s official: everything in the entire world is now online, and we need never leave our homes again. Even the age-old tradition of leaving the nest to attend college is now unnecessary. The question is, is an online degree worth it? Well, that depends on where you get the degree from.

Top 5 Legal Mythbusters

Frivolous lawsuits occur sometimes—people are greedy jerks and will take advantage of the system if they can—but in reality, they are few and far between. Most people don’t know the real story behind the biggest lawsuits.

Discrimination Protection for the Unemployed

Recently, several companies posted openings on and other job sites, which specifically stated that the unemployed need not apply. President Obama, as part of the American Jobs Act, is seeking to make discrimination against the unemployed illegal. So who’s right?