Author: Laurie Junkins

Laurie Junkins

Going for Broke: Bankruptcy and Professional Athletes

Unless world-class athletes are able to translate their successes into lucrative tours and endorsement deals, they (or more, accurately, their families) have to sacrifice vast sums of money, and many end up broke or even bankrupt.

6 Online Dating Safety Tips

According to the statistics, of the 54 million single people in the United States, a whopping 40 million of them have tried online dating. Here are 6 tips to keep in mind.

The Evolution of Gun Control

In the wake of the horrifying movie theater shooting in Aurora, CO, public discourse on the Second Amendment (the right to bear arms) has flared up once again.

Would You Lie on Your Resume?

The better the job, the more desperate the candidates, and even people who would have had their pick of great positions five years ago are now grateful for whatever they can get. The temptation to beef up your resume with a few untruths has never been greater.