Author: Brette Sember


Brette Sember is a former attorney and author of more than 40 books, including The Divorce Organizer & Planner, The Complete Divorce, How to Parent with Your Ex, The Essential Supervisor’s Handbook, The Complete Credit Repair Kit, The Original Muffin Tin Cookbook, and The Gluten-Free Guide to Travel. She writes often about law, parenting, food, travel, health, and more. She blogs at

Mandy Moore divorce: I need pet support!

The singer recently filed papers asking for monthly funds to help pay for their eight cats and dogs. The singer says it’s become “overwhelming” for her to take care of all of them and even says she had to cancel a work engagement when her housekeeper was ill.

Can I share that cookie recipe—legally?

Most would agree that one of the best parts of the holiday season is the food. And when we eat something tasty at someone’s house, lots of us just have to ask for the recipe. But did you know that recipes are copyrighted? And that the gingerbread recipe you hand out as your own might actually belong to someone else?

My kid just shoplifted. Now what?

With the frenzy of holiday shopping comes shoplifting. About 2 million people are caught shoplifting every year, and 25 percent of them are children. After your initial freak-out, what should you do if your kid is caught shoplifting?

How China’s one-child policy impacted US adoptions

For years, China ranked as the top source of foreign-born children adopted in this country. But China’s leaders realized their one-child policy had produced a gender imbalance, and as a result, there was a serious shortage of women to marry the chosen sons.

Why a spouse’s secrets are above the law

Most people have heard of spousal privilege and how spouses can’t be forced to testify against each other in court. But are all communications with your spouse legally a secret? Is everything you tell your spouse really protected by privilege?