Author: Jessica Walters


Jessica Walters studied creative writing at Utah Valley University. She enjoys reading and writing about health and parenting. Jessica lives with her husband and two young children in Utah.

How to Own Your Own Island

Many celebrities own their own private getaway islands, and some relatively affordable islands are on the market. But does buying your own island mean you can start your own country?

What Does the Fiscal Cliff Mean for You?

You’ve probably heard about this “fiscal cliff” America is supposed to go off soon. While this newly-coined term is all over the news, you may still be wondering what exactly it means — and what exactly it means for you.

Your Rights in a Rental Foreclosure

Your landlord stopped paying the mortgage — so can you stop paying rent? If you’re having a panic attack, breathe easy — there are rules for these types of rental disasters. Here’s what to do — and what not to — when your rental goes into foreclosure.