Presidential Trivia: 12 Facts You Didn’t Know About U.S. Presidents

Politics, News

From skinny dipping to showing up drunk to inauguration, our former presidents weren’t as boring as you might think.Presidential Trivia

They Go Skinny-Dipping in the Potomac

John Quincy Adams was known for his early-morning dips in D.C.’s main waterway, always in the nude.

They Have Weird Pets

Andrew Jackson taught his parrot to curse. Jackson’s swearing parrot pet had to be removed from the president’s funeral because it wouldn’t stop swearing.

They’re Sometimes Jerks to Their Wives

Martin Van Buren’s wife of 12 years, Hannah—who died 18 years before her husband became president—is not mentioned once in his autobiography, despite her bearing Van Buren’s four sons.

Some Get Remarried in the White House

John Tyler and Woodrow Wilson remarried while in the White House. Tyler fathered the most (known) children of any president—fifteen, to be exact—and was also an extremely accomplished violinist, playing often for White House guests.

Only One President Has Been a Ph.D

Woodrow Wilson remains the only president to hold a doctorate degree. A Ph.D in Political Science and History (John Hopkins University), he also passed the Georgia Bar Exam despite not finishing law school. Wilson also was known to paint his golf balls black during the winter so he could continue playing in the snow.

They Create Educational Institutions

Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia in 1819. Jefferson’s library of approximately 6,000 books became the basis of the Library of Congress.

Some Don’t Dig Reelection

James Polk promised to be a one-term president during his campaign. He kept his word, never seeking reelection. He died shortly after leaving the White House, at age 53.

They’re Drunk / They’re Sober

Allegedly trying to gain support from anti-alcohol Prohibitionists, Rutherford B. Hayes banned alcohol from the White House. Andrew Johnson, on the other hand, was noticeably drunk during his inauguration speech.

They Have Weird Fetishes

Calvin Coolidge reportedly like to have his head rubbed with petroleum jelly while eating his breakfast in bed every morning.

Some Aren’t Phased by Bullets

During his second run for presidency, Teddy Roosevelt was shot by a wannabe assassin while giving a speech; he continued speaking with the bullet in his chest.

They Have Secret Languages

Herbert Hoover moved his family to China for some time before becoming President and spoke Mandarin Chinese fluently. Apparently he and his wife spoke the language around the White House to keep conversations private.

After President Bush Sr. vomited on the Japanese Prime Minister, a new word entered the Japanese language. Bushusuru means “to pull a Bush,” or to publicly vomit.

They Mess with Writers

The “S” in Harry S Truman doesn’t stand for anything, therefore, there is no period after his middle initial.

Your Toys Are Named After Them

Lincoln Logs are named after Abraham Lincoln, and the log cabin where he was so famously born.