Mark Britton on why we need to support women in tech

By now, the fact that women are severely underrepresented in the tech industry should come as no surprise. But, when you consider just how low the numbers are, a simple reminder can be overwhelming. On average, women only comprise 25% of the tech workforce. In engineering, the average is as low as 12%. And that gap has only become wider in the last 30 years.

To address this disparity, ARA Seattle hosted a panel event to facilitate a conversation between male leaders in Seattle tech scene. This was an opportunity to talk about what they can do in their own companies to support women’s careers in tech. To spark real change in a culture perceived as geeky and alienating.

Avvo CEO, Mark Britton delivered the keynote speech, setting the stage with countless issues facing women in tech. He began by admitting that even the premise of this panel, “Men’s views on women in technology,” seemed problematic at first.

“Do you want to hear any more of that? It’s been 100 years of this. I don’t think we need any more ‘men’s views’ on how women should interact with technology. But, to the extent through these conversations that we’re able to push things forward just a bit, or maybe just a lot, well then that’s pretty cool.”

Mark started the conversation with some reflection on why diversity is vital for a business’s success.

“You can’t empower the legal consumer very broadly if you don’t empower at home, and in your own company. The only way that we succeed is by bringing in people that have very diverse thinking and very diverse backgrounds.”

To expand on this idea, Mark cited research from Carnegie Melon University on collective intelligence in groups. The study reported that the number of women in a group directly contributed to its problem-solving ability. Researchers suggested that women have higher levels of “social sensitivity” and are better at getting groups to cooperate and collaborate. This directly translates into more effective communication–and better results. Put simply, diversity benefits everyone.

At Avvo, this dedication to diversity of thought is what moves us forward. This can be a touchy subject for many, but a strong commitment from our organization’s leadership—to drive the conversation, push for actionable change, and hold each other accountable—is one to stand behind.

You can watch Mark’s full presentation here.