Author: Eric


11 Common Traits of Mass Murderers and Serial Killers

Could your neighbor be a mass murderer? Could one of your friends actually be a serial killer? Worse yet, could you be raising a child that’s going to grow up to be the next Jared Lee Loughner? It’s a horrifying thought, but the truth is these violent criminals come from somewhere. Many of them are […]

Womb for Sale: The Business of Surrogate Pregnancy

For couples who can’t conceive, there are two basic options for having kids. They can either choose to adopt from the hundreds of thousands of kids available for adoption in the United States, or they can choose to try a surrogate pregnancy. If you don’t know, a surrogate pregnancy is an agreement where an individual […]

What Happens When Your City Goes Bankrupt?

By now, you’ve probably gotten used to hearing stories about massive job cuts, foreclosures, lack of funding for certain programs, and so on. You might even think this all doesn’t affect you as long as you can hang onto your job. But it might. And very soon. The truth is that it’s no longer just […]

5 Luxury Prisons Where You’d Enjoy Living

If you’ve ever traveled outside the USA, it’s probably occurred to you that if you somehow wound up in prison, you’d be screwed.  In fact, anxiety over being trapped in a foreign prison has resulted in many a Hollywood movie and TV show featuring the plight of Americans locked up abroad. But are prisons abroad […]

Should Schools Hand Out Condoms to Elementary Students?

Earlier this year, the Provincetown, Massachusetts school district found itself in hot water when a new sex education policy gave all students—from high school all the way down to elementary school—the ability to request condoms from the school nurse without being turned down. The policy, as written, would have technically allowed first graders to get condoms from the nurse, and there was nothing parents could do to stop it.

8 Horrible Crimes Stopped by Legal Gun Owners

Guns are always a divisive topic. Some stand by their rights to bear arms, and they say that private firearms stop millions of crimes each year. Those opposed to gun ownership believe that the more guns that are out in the public, the more shootings and deaths will take place. Regardless of where you stand […]

The Truth about Rape in Prison

Any time you see a movie or a cable TV show depicting life in prison, there’s almost certain to be a scene showing an inmate being sexually abused by other inmates. You’ve probably even heard people joke around saying “Don’t drop the soap” if you ever end up in prison. But what’s the truth about […]

This Is Why You Shouldn’t Own Exotic Pets

Last month,  Brent Kandra Sam Mazzola was killed by a pet bear owned by Ohio bear-wrestling entrepreneur Sam Mazzola. The gruesome attack brought focus onto the state’s lax exotic pet laws, and it wasn’t long after that Ohio instituted new laws to ban exotic animal ownership. Of course, the new law’s grandfather clause would have […]

8 Disturbing Examples of Voter Suppression in America

Many people assume that voter fraud is only a problem in the third world. They couldn’t be more wrong. Voter suppression and fraud occur disturbingly often in America (even though they’re illegal), and many times they’re either unreported or quickly swept under the rug.  Indeed, for an inestimable number of Americans, the right to vote […]